I don't think I should be allowed in a bookstore if I have a credit or debit card on me. If all I have is cash or a gift card, I have a limit I can see/feel/KNOW. But set me loose with plastic, and I can do a little harm to the bank account.
For example: The other day I stopped at Barnes and Noble to pick up a book. Just one, for my husband. He wanted a certain book, I was out, I could drop by the shop, no problem.
Ummm... WRONG! As I wandered around the store 'looking for his book', I had actually picked up 12 books in about as many minutes (only a slight exaggeration, truly). I could barely juggle them. And then I spotted another I just had to have. Disaster!
Yes, I managed to drop them. Not only that, but I made a bit of a scene when I tried to catch a couple, but instead batted them at a guy standing a few feet away from me. Nice, huh? I apologized, picked them up, and realized I simply could not justify spending so much on books. Not all in a single trip, anyway! :)
So I sorted through them, picked out the ones I had to have right now and made my escape. I only bought 7 books... :)
My new books are:
I am trying to feel virtuous, in that only 3 of the 7 books are hardcover. So I saved money, right? Yeah.
One the positive side, after I read the books, they go to my sister & mom, so I feel justified that I'm buying books for 3 people, not just me. Of course, sometimes they've already bought their own copy.
Now, I have to ignore blogs for a few days while I get some reading done... :)